New DUCKblind Podcast Episode

Renee and Jill recording the interview.

Renee and Jill recording the interview.

In addition to producing a show for Austin Enneagram, I also every month or so, record an interview for Jill at grayDUCK Gallery, here in Austin, TX. The episodes are to help promote the current exhibition and give people who have already seen the show or who want to visit the gallery, some extra context, and info about the art and artists. As with the other shows I produce, I capture the interview, edit and add music, write and organize the descriptions, and make sure it is published correctly to all platforms. With both shows, I also created the cover art and take pictures during the recordings for social media promotion.

This interview is with artist Renee Lai, talking about her exhibition A Study Of Fences. Have a listen with the player above, and be sure to make an appointment to see the exhibition in person if you are in Austin!

Renee Lai | A Study of Fences

  • grayDUCK Gallery

  • Exhibition dates: January 8 - February 7, 2021

  • Gallery Hours by appointment