Not sure why it took me so long to start pickling as a regular practice, but I am so glad I have. Refrigerator pickles are easy, and with all of the veggies I get from the farm where I work, it helps as a way to utilize and preserve many of them. The trick that is working is to start with the recipe written out on an index card, with the standard amounts needed to fill one Ball wide mouth 32-ounce quart jar. From there I can calculate for multiple jars easily in my head. I pull out the card and set it on my window ledge. No need to search on my phone and deal with a bunch of ads and long drawn out explanations.
It reminds me of my grandmother and her recipe card box that she would pull out when she wanted to make something. I find that the more analog practices I add to my life, the more balanced I feel, because I know I will be spending a fair amount of time on my phone no matter what. Did the same for a hummus recipe and now I make it every week. Winning!
Fridge pickled peppers, beets, and cucumbers.
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