“Discomfort shows us where we are holding back, where we are stuck. This moment is the perfect teacher. People that trigger us are good news.”
One month into this year-long writing/blog challenge, I want to share one truth or lesson that I figured out a long time ago. It’s been the most consistent behavior of mine that I have observed and it seems to be true for others as well.
Maybe you’ve experienced this? Something about someone bothers or triggers you. It could be anyone, from the closest to you to a complete stranger. It happened today. There is a woman I encounter often that rarely smiles and seems kind of rigid and keeps to herself. I might think, what is her deal. Her guard is up, she doesn’t smile, and she is generally closed off.
If I stop to observe and question these feelings I find something and have to be totally honest with myself. It’s likely many acquaintances in my life at times see me the exact same way. And a big surprise, I don’t like that about myself. So when I see it in someone else I react negatively. As they say, everything is really just about us. Then I can ask, what is this here to teach me. These triggers point to where I need to take a hard look at my behavior or way of being in the world. Is it serving me or is it likely just a way to avoid being vulnerable and to avoid letting anyone see who I am?
An image made 10 years ago on film with something called a Quad Cam.