El Paso to Dallas

Last nights show in El Paso was fun. When I first found out I was going on tour with Night Drive I checked out the bands they would be playing with. Seeing Rush Midnight and Gold Fields in person definitely surpassed my expectations.  I'm looking forward to watching them play again the next two nights in Dallas and Austin.

Taking pictures in a dark club of moving people definitely pushes the limits of the iPhone camera capabilities.  To me it's more about capturing the energy of the moment as opposed to a technically perfect photo.

We are half way to Dallas now and just stopped in the town where the first rodeo was held, Pecos.

Night Drive

Night Drive

Gold Fields

Gold Fields

Pecos, TX

Pecos, TX

VLA on the way to El Paso

We are sitting at the Lowbrow Palace in El Paso waiting for the band to do a sound check. It was quite a long drive from Flagstaff but I'm glad we took a few extra hours because the scenery was so incredibly beautiful. So many amazing landscapes, small out of the way towns, and rolling, rocky hills and mountains.  I'll never get over the sight of a great expanse blotted with sunlight, wild horses, long abandoned homesteads, and an entire storm pouring down onto a distant local.

We stopped quite a few places to take pictures but my favorite was next to The Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico which is a radio astronomy observatory.  More pictures to come once I get back to Austin

One of 27 antennas at The Very Large Array. 

One of 27 antennas at The Very Large Array. 

They are listening. 

They are listening. 

Flagstaff Alley Shoot

After a very nice dinner and a few drinks at the Hotel Monte Vista Lounge, which was somewhat taken over by loud, singing Scotsmen, we found an alley with really interesting lighting. Rodney and Brandon are fun to work with and can be very spontaneous. I'm really happy with the shots considering I took them with my iPhone. I was kicking myself for not bringing my DSLR.

The images were processed on my phone with CameraBag and Lo-Mob.


Somewhere in the California Desert

Soon after landing in LA I was picked up by Rodney and Brandon (aka Night Drive) and we headed out of town across the desert into Arizona. We decided to spend the night in Flagstaff, which turned out to be a really great little town.  Tomorrow we head to El Paso for their next gig, planning to stop anywhere along the way that we can get some interesting shots and maybe shoot some video.  Stay tuned.
